Managing Multiple Negotiations: Low-Cost Way to Organize Deal Flow
For most in-house attorneys, one of their key responsibilities is contract negotiation, drafting, and review. There could be any number...
Welcome to the blog! Working Legal Capital (or “WLC” as I refer to it when trying to be cool) is a place where I discuss various business related topics through the lens of an in-house attorney. I discuss everything from contract drafting style to how in-house counsel can help a company grow its business. The general purpose of this blog is to provide insight to all young aspiring lawyers who want to or are currently working within an in-house legal function.
My name is Scott Prough and I currently serve as corporate counsel for a large multi-unit operator. I have been a licensed attorney for close to 5 years now and wanted to create a space where I could share some insight into my career. When I was in law school, I knew I wanted to go “in house” but, there were limited resources out there to really give me any practical insight into that path. More specifically, I was looking for honest commentary regarding the role and hear what I could encounter down the road.
This blog is not intended to be a “how to” guide but more of a way to discuss things I come across in my day-to-day that are worth sharing. One of the best learning experiences I had in law school was interning for an attorney. It was not the memos I wrote where I learned the most but the opportunity to shadow his day-to-day work. Listen to how he interacted with clients or deal with an angry opposing counsel on the phone. It was all the stuff they didn’t teach you in school. It taught me a lot about the real world of what it was like to be an attorney.
My background does not include attending a top law school, law review, or prestigious clerkships. A lot of my experience, even in law school, was built in more business focused roles and after graduation, I tried to leverage that to pursue an in-house role. I eventually got there in my current role and I wanted to take all the little things I picked up along the way and all the things I am still learning and write it down. And by write it down, I mean type, and by type I mean blog about it here at Working Legal Capital.
I hope you enjoy the blog and thank you for reading!